This accessible, intuitive tool lets you combine images, audio recordings and music to create simple slide shows.It’s an engaging, interactive way of transforming learning into tangible productions that students can be proud to present.

This audiovisual production tool is an excellent way for students to acquire a variety of skills while having fun and exploring their creativity. It enriches teaching and gives students the opportunity to create original digital works.  

Feel free to test the tool by clicking below to create an account and get started with your audio slideshows! 

Key features of the tool :

  1. Easy media import: Students can import photos, images and audio recordings they have made.
    The tool accepts a variety of formats, making the process simple and suitable for all levels.

  2. Intuitive editing: Thanks to a drag-and-drop interface, users can easily organize and assemble their media on a timeline.
    They can adjust the duration of slides and synchronize images with sound.

  3. Adding voice-overs and music: Students can record their own narration or commentary to accompany the images, creating a personalized and engaging narrative.
    The tool also offers the option of adding a soundtrack, by selecting and importing their own music.
    or royalty-free music.

  4. Collaboration and sharing: Teachers and students can collaborate in real time on a project, sharing their contributions and making joint modifications.
    Once the slideshow is complete, it can be exported for presentation in class, shared online, or broadcast at school events.

Learning objectives :

  • Developing digital skills: Students learn to manipulate digital tools creatively and technically, reinforcing their mastery of new technologies.
  • Strengthening oral and written communication: By writing scripts and recording voice-overs, students work on their communication skills.
  • Stimulate creativity and self-expression: The tool provides a platform for students to express their ideas, imagination and artistic vision.
  • Collaborative work: Audio slideshows encourage group work, discussion and the exchange of ideas, reinforcing social skills and cooperation.