The fourth mobility of our project brought together the Greece pairing with Evi and Kyriaki and Saint Palais represented by Delphine and Myriam. Initially scheduled for March this year, this mobility project did not take place until May 2024 due to administrative changes linked to the replacement of our Greek partner. The pair worked remotely via videoconferencing and shared documents to complete the first two pedagogical steps in the project. For the past year, the classes have also been carrying out 1Village project activities. The second mobility of this pair is scheduled for the end of June 2024 in Saint Palais, a shorter timeframe than for the other pairs.
The aim of this mobility was to :
- Observing the teaching practices of Greek women teachers.
- To enable direct contact between French teachers and the children taking part in the project.
- Share best practices in sustainable development and international cooperation.
- Promote international cooperation between teachers as part of an innovative educational project.
Program and schedule
Monday: Arrival in Athens
Tuesday: Arrival in Préveza
The journey was particularly long, from Saint Palais in the Basque country to Préveza in north-western Greece (Epirus).
Wednesday (8:30am-1:00pm): Discovering and observing
We attended several French classes for 6th graders (A2 level). This enabled us to assess the Greek children’s level of French. We also discovered the school’s sustainable development education practices. Initiatives in this field in Greece are often rare and irregular, depending on the initiative of individual teachers.
We also observed an English lesson given by Ms. Dermitzaki to 4th graders (CM1) involved in an eTwinning project. This project, which brought together a dozen European schools, enabled students to discover and present their country in English. Ms. Dermitzaki then offered training in the use of eTwinning to the Saint Palais teachers.
We have organized a videoconference between children from Saint Palais and Préveza, who have been corresponding via the 1Village platform since last October. They exchanged names, asked questions and sang songs in French, Greek and Basque.
Thursday (8:30am-1:00pm): Meeting on the Francophonie
The day began with the 6th graders observing an English class, presenting their region and explaining their environment. This was followed by an activity on sustainable development, around International Earth Day, with an explanatory video and group questions.
The day coincided with the presentation of the Prix de la Francophonie by the French Institute of Greece. Préveza’s 4th school won a special prize in a competition on the Olympic Games 2024, where the children presented French or Greek athletes.
We also worked on the final pedagogical sequence for the third phase of the 1Village project, producing a first draft to be finalized remotely.
The day ended with a hybrid meeting between partners, to discuss the observations of the two days, administrative and financial follow-up, and project evaluation.
Friday (09:00 – 13:00): Visit to the region’s cultural sites
The last day was dedicated to visiting important sites in the region, such as the Nicopolis Museum and the Nicopolis archaeological site. A minor car accident interrupted the visit, but gave us the opportunity to meet the Greek police.
We joined teachers and students on a field trip near the Archeon River, exchanging views on the differences and similarities between school systems, teaching the SDOs, and other educational topics.
This fourth mobility program enriched educational exchanges and strengthened cooperation between Greek and French teachers. The administrative and logistical challenges were overcome, and the objectives of the mobility were achieved, paving the way for new collaborations and the second mobility planned for June 2024 in Saint Palais.